
Define the CloudEndure lambda function.

Attributes: LOG_LEVEL (str): REGION_OVERRIDE (str): If provided, this value will override the default AWS region. logger (logging.Logger): The logger to be used throughout execution of the AWS Lambda.


send_sqs_message(image_info: 'Dict[str, Any]') -> 'bool'

Send a SQS message.

The message includes the AMI information that was created from the migrated instance that passed testing post migration in CloudEndure.

Raises: ClientError: The exception is raised in the event of a boto3 client error. ImproperlyConfigured: The exception is raised in the event of missing or invalid environment configuration settings.

Returns: bool: Whether or not the message has been sent successfully.


create_ami(project_id: 'str', instance_id: 'str') -> 'bool'

Create an AMI from the specified instance.

Args: project_id (str): The ID associated with the Project. instance_id (str): The ID associated with the AWS instance.

Raises: ClientError: The exception is raised in the event of a boto3 client error.

Returns: bool: Whether or not the AMI has been created successfully.


lambda_handler(event: 'Dict[str, Any]', context: 'Dict[str, Any]') -> 'bool'

Define the AWS Lambda entry point and handler.

Args: event (str): The event performed against Lambda. context (dict): The context of the request performed against Lambda.

Raises: ClientError: The exception is raised in the event of a boto3 client error. InvalidPayload: The exception is raised in the event of an invalid payload.

Returns: bool: Whether or not the lambda function has executed successfully.