
Define the CloudEndure main entry logic.


CloudEndure(self, project_name: 'str' = '', dry_run: 'bool' = False, username: 'str' = '', password: 'str' = '', token: 'str' = '') -> 'None'

Define the CloudEndure general object.


CloudEndure.get_project_id(self, project_name: 'str' = '') -> 'str'

Get the associated CloudEndure project ID by project_name.

Args: project_name (str): The name of the CloudEndure project.

Exceptions: Exception: Currently catch all encountered exceptions while traversing the project list API call.

Returns: str: The CloudEndure project UUID.


CloudEndure.check(self) -> 'bool'

Check the status of machines in the provided project.


CloudEndure.update_encryption_key(self, kms_id: 'str') -> 'bool'

Update encryption keys for replication.

Warning: This will cause re-sync if key does not match!

Args: kms_id (str): The AWS KMD ID to update the project to use. project_name (str): The name of the CloudEndure project to be updated. dry_run (bool): Whether or not this execution should be a dry run, making no actual changes to CloudEndure for validation purposes.

Returns: bool: Whether or not the encryption key was updated.


CloudEndure.update_blueprint(self) -> 'bool'

Update the blueprint associated with the specified machines.


CloudEndure.launch(self) -> 'Dict[str, Any]'

Launch the test target instances.


CloudEndure.status(self) -> 'bool'

Get the status of machines in the current wave.


CloudEndure.execute(self) -> 'bool'

Start the migration project my checking and launching the migration wave.


CloudEndure.share_image(self, image_id: 'str', image_name: 'str' = 'CloudEndureImage') -> 'bool'

Share the generated AMIs to the provided destination account.


CloudEndure.create_ami(self) -> 'Dict[str, str]'

Create an AMI from the specified instances.

Args: project_name (str): The name of the CloudEndure project.

Returns: bool: Whether or not the AMI creation was successful.


CloudEndure.copy_image(self, image_id: 'str') -> 'str'

Copy a shared image to an account.

Args: image_id (str): The AWS AMI to be copied.

Returns: str: The copied AWS AMI ID.


CloudEndure.split_image(self, image_id: 'str') -> 'Dict[str, Any]'

Split the image into a root drive only AMI and a collection of snapshots.

Args: image_id (str): The AWS AMI to be copied.

Returns: dict: The mapping of AWS EBS block devices.


CloudEndure.gen_terraform(self, image_id: 'str', name: 'str' = 'INSTANCENAME', subnet_id: 'str' = 'SUBNET_ID', private_ip: 'str' = 'PRIVATE_IP', keypair: 'str' = 'KEYPAIR', security_group: 'str' = 'SECURITY_GROUP', tagging_module: 'str' = 'tagging_module') -> 'str'

Generate Terraform for a given split image.

Args: image_id (str): The split AMI ID to be referenced. name (str): The name of the instance to be generated. subnet_id (str): The AWS VPC Subnet ID to be referenced. private_id (str): The internal IP address to associate with the AWS ENI. keypair (str): The AWS EC2 keypair name to be referenced. security_group (str): The AWS security group ID to be referenced.

Returns: str: The raw Terraform with volume, ENI, and EC2 instance templates.


CloudEndure.terminate(self) -> 'bool'

Terminate the launched machine(s).

Returns: bool: Whether cleanup was successful.


CloudEndure.delete_image(self, image_id: 'str') -> 'bool'

Remove the AMI and snapshots.

Args: image_id (str): The AWS AMI to be deleted.

Returns: bool: Whether the AMI deletion was requested successfully.


main() -> 'None'

Define the main entry method for the CLI.